Bollinger - Brut Special Cuvee NV 750ml
The NV Brut Le Mesnil is a terrific Champagne, offering lots of juicy citrus and stone fruits as well as more apple and brioche characteristics with time in the glass. Possessing a medium-bodied, fresh, lively style, with a distinct minerality on the pala...
This mouthwatering ros? Champagne shows textural density, sitting like raw silk on the palate and offering flavors of dried white cherry, grapefruit granita and ground ginger, with a light and lingering toast note
The 2015 La Grande Dame is bright and nicely focused. There’s good energy driving a core of Pinot Noir fruit. Pear, white flowers, mint, white pepper and lime are nicely delineated. The 2015 is not the most complex Grande Dame I have ever tasted, but it o...