This comes from Zellenberg's clayey limestone soils in an east-facing vineyard that, due to winds, is slower ripening. Aged in large oak for two years, the 2019 Riesling AmZelle shows an intense, golden-yellow color and exhibits a dense, complex and aroma...
"Roederer's Brut Premier was created in the 1980s to prove to consumers that we could deliver consistent quality with a blend that compensated for less than perfectly ripe vintages," explains Jean-Baptiste Lecaillon. "We were blending in pursuit of maturi...
velvety tannins and seamless freshness, finishing very long with compelling restraint and exciting energy...a wine of the vintage.
...One of the most seamless Margaux in the vintage..."
The 2022 Giscours is a regal, sophisticated wine. Succulent red cherry, blood orange, spice, menthol and rose petal lend notable vibrancy and freshness throughout. Most surprisingly, the 2022 remains light on its feet, especially for a wine made from s...
The 2023 Giscours is the very best wine I have ever tasted here. Giscours has been knocking on the door of Bordeaux's elite for a few years now. Two thousand twenty-three is the year in which Giscours joins the region's big boys and girls. A towering, ...