The Redland Lager is a perfectly smooth red lager with a slightly earthy malt combined with a gentle floral and caramel aroma. The end result is a fantastically smooth, balanced and easy drinking beer.
A zesty, light-bodied Sauvignon Blanc that's perfect for a summer barbecue with undemanding friends. Don't expect any hidden depths to this wine; it's simple but classic, crisp and varietal.
AROMAS: Deeply aromatic, evoking lemongrass and cedar, with freshly cut flowers, all along with subtle juniper berries lurking beneath. PALATE: Starts off with juniper, followed by smooth citrus, finishing off roundly with a subtle saline touch. Wonderful...
A Medium bodied, copper colored ale. Citrus and resinous hop aroma combined with spice from the rye makes for a unique take on a hoppy beer. The result is a well-balanced Rye Pale Ale.
ABV: 6.7% / West Coast Style IPA / Hoppy, clean, fun. This is a No Haze Zone.
A creamy, cloudy, and juicy New England style IPA, bursting with fruity hop aroma, this beer jumps from the glass with a heavy dry hop aroma and a very subdued bitterness.