Barr Hill Reserve Tom Cat Gin 750ml

Tom Cat Gin is an expedition into uncharted territories. Once distilled, we age Barr Hill Gin in new American oak barrels in search of a bolder expression. The robust character of the new oak barrel mingles with the coniferous quality of the juniper, yielding an enticing aroma. A touch of raw honey leaves this revolutionary spirit remarkably approachable, whether drinking neat or in a cocktail. When the world called for whiskey, we answered resolutely with gin. Tom Cat is beloved by whiskey and gin drinkers alike.

Availability: 3 Available
SKU: 82640
Manufacturer part number: MB1957082640
GTIN: 852735003111
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Products specifications
Region Vermont
Proof 86
Country USA
Bottle Size 750ml
Producer Barr Hill
Products specifications
Region Vermont
Proof 86
Country USA
Bottle Size 750ml
Producer Barr Hill
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