An intense bouquet of tangerine and candied orange peel entice the nose while flavors of clementines, Valencia orange and subtle caramel provide counterpoint to an assertive bitterness and rich malt character.
The fresh and lively flavors of green apple, Meyer lemon and lime sherbet show good intensity, matched by refreshing acidity.
Howling Gale IPA ABV: 7.2%IBU: 80 West-Coast style IPA. Massive kettle additions and a double dry-hop process with Simcoe, Mosaic and Citra hops bring this brew to an explosion of tropical and citrus aromas and flavors."
Semi-sweet chocolate, almond, and brown sugar flavors fill the palate but quickly dissipate into a dry, clean finish with notes of coffee grounds.
Fresh cut grass and tangerine on the nose are complemented by white wine grape and bread-like aromas. Flavors of guava, melon, and lime leaf present themselves harmoniously with sauvignon blanc and bready malt flavors playing supporting roles.