Elephant London Dry Gin 750ml

The gin’s nose yields a subtle juniper aroma with an undertone of mountain pine and other herbaceous notes. The taste is complex but strikingly smooth encompassing floral, fruity and spicy flavours which can be enjoyed both straight and in a cocktail. 

Each bottle is custom-made, adorned with hand-written labels and embossed with a crest. Each batch is named after past great tuskers and elephants that Elephant Gin’s partner elephant conservation foundations currently help to protect.

Availability: 7 Available
SKU: 77994
Manufacturer part number: MB1957077994
GTIN: 5060351330121
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Products specifications
Proof 90
Country Germany
Bottle Size 750ml
Producer Elephant Gin Ltd.
Products specifications
Proof 90
Country Germany
Bottle Size 750ml
Producer Elephant Gin Ltd.
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