Rodionov & Sons Polugar Classic Rye Vodka 750ml

Medium heavy coating of the glass on swirling with tears forming then morphing into heavy droplets. Clear splice appearance overall. Luscious bread like aromas with touches of sweetness, and slight sharpness of wheat. Displaying a deft hand at distilling by the absence of the usual heads and spirity notes that wheat vodka can easily display if not for a very careful distillation. Liquid bread, with a pleasing sweetness and oiliness on initial entry.The grain like impression continues with a wheat germ like oiliness with touches of moneymaking for an unparalleled smoothness and captures the essence of wheat. While it mixes well and does an amazing job at smoothing off the hard edges and angles of some ingredients (particularly Bloody Mary’s and spicier cocktails, it really should be enjoyed naked on its’ own at room temperature to fully appreciate just how great it is. Almost any vodka can be drunk cold enough, a number of vodkas can be appreciated at room temperature (which can display faults quite rapidly in
Availability: 2 Available
SKU: 88695
Manufacturer part number: MB1957088695
GTIN: 5902596199678
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Products specifications
Proof 77
Country Poland
Bottle Size 750ml
Producer Distllery Rodionov and Sons
Products specifications
Proof 77
Country Poland
Bottle Size 750ml
Producer Distllery Rodionov and Sons
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