Eigashima Akashi Whiskey 750ml

750ml | SKU 87865 | 20 Available

Designed to be an approachable, sipping whisky, Akashi Whisky has a malty, citrusy characteristic complemented by hints of salinity due to its coastal location. This whisky is distilled from wheat, barley and rye with notes of subtle peat, aged in ex-bourbon, barley shochu, and sherry barrels. Flavors of vanilla and pine nuts delight on the palate, leading to a long, wheaty finish. An excellent introduction to the Japanese whisky category, for those looking for a segue into Scotch, or an everyday drinking dram.


The nose is slightly fruity with hints of lemon, cherry, toffee, oats and sea air. The palate is perfectly clean & easy with a touch of peat on the finish. Excellent representation of a classic Japanese whisky flavor profile.
