Ha'penny Rhubarb Gin 750ml

Ha'penny Rhubarb Gin is a refreshing, distinctively pink small batch pot distilled gin featuring the finest rhubarb alongside 13 expertly selected botanicals. There is a fresh rhubarb bouquet with discernible notes of juniper and citrus followed by subtle hints of botanical spice. Initially fresh rhubarb with a bright botanical mix, rounding to a pleasant classic resinous juniper forward Gin. The finish is a silky palate with a lingering crisp and fresh rhubarb finish.
Availability: 6 Available
SKU: 83713
Manufacturer part number: MB1957083713
GTIN: 747301036924
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Products specifications
Flavor Rhubarb
Proof 80
Country Ireland
Bottle Size 750ml
Producer Pearse Lyon's Distillery
Products specifications
Flavor Rhubarb
Proof 80
Country Ireland
Bottle Size 750ml
Producer Pearse Lyon's Distillery
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