Light and easy drinking sake named after Japan's colorful koi fish that represent good fortune and luck. This sake represents the combination of vibrant colors, patterns, and shimmering scales that have earned Japanese koi fish the moniker "living jewels"...
Bailoni is heralded as the first apricot distillery in Wachau. The independently owned family companyformed in 1872 when grappa distiller Eugenio Bailoni from Vigolo Vattro, Trentino visted Austria and fell in love. Eugino and his wife, Rosa, founded the first apricot distillery in the Wachau Valley. The signature bottle was created in the early 20th century. Today, the company remains in a 350+ year old building. The family business is now run by the 5th generation.
Only 16 half bottles were filled this year. This is bottle #16/16.